CentralApp 2023-2024 – supporting applications for Plastic Surgery, Anesthesiology, Neurology, and Urology

Support & Security

Providing you the most individualistic, real-time user support
user support
Supporting Your Journey Every Step Of The Way
We are invested in making sure that all of our users have the best experience possible.
Full Time User Support Staff Experienced In Residency Application Management
Our support team is composed of people with experience in customer service and residency management. Our background gives us a unique ability to provide thoughtful and educated answers to your questions.
Responses in less than 24 hours!
Our team is committed to getting your questions answered promptly. You can expect a response to your inquiry within 24 hours during peak application season. If we can't solve your issue that quickly, we will let you know that it is being worked on and that we'll even update our platform to make it better!
Direct Communication With Our Users
We have full time support staff answering your questions. You will be connected with someone with experience and knowledge in the residency application process for a direct response
24/7 Online Help Desk Trained With AI
Coming soon! A 24/7 AI help tool to answer our most common questions.
Our Ongoing Commitment To Keeping You Safe & Secure
Providing the highest level of data privacy and security in modern technology.
Keeping Your Data Protected
In addition to standard measures such as email verification and two factor authentication, we protect your data to the highest degree using encryption strategies similar to those of major technological companies. We utilize an AWS relational database only accessible by our backend server running inside AWS. To further ensure security of the data, we employ several additional cybersecurity measures including encryption at rest and in transit as well as access control using AWS identity and access management.
Verifying Data Accuracy
We are invested in ensuring that the data you receive in the application is verified. We utilize a user verification system that ensures that your letters, MPSEs, and transcripts are uploaded by verified user accounts. We employ an internal AI flagging system that triggers investigation of any suspicious activity, providing our users with full confidence of data accuracy.
More from CentralApp

A residency application service focused on improving equity by removing financial barriers and emphasizing holistic review.

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