CentralApp 2023-2024 – supporting applications for Plastic Surgery, Anesthesiology, Neurology, and Urology

Our Mission

Making a more equitable residency selection process by eliminating financial barriers and promoting holistic application review
The Story
Why CentralApp?

From the outset, our mission was clear – remove financial barriers in the residency application process and improve the review experience for programs. As a team of medical educators, we watched for years as students on their path to becoming doctors were shouldering an overwhelming financial burden -- and this was increasing every year!

Contrary to the intended purpose, progressive fee structures were not discouraging excessive overapplication. In fact, the number of residency applications across all specialties has increased every year for more than a decade. The result is a daunting financial barrier, sidelining many talented applicants who couldn’t bear the cost.

100+ millionin annual application costs

There’s A Way
To Do It Better –
Find It
-Thomas Edison
A better way
Enter CentralApp

By building a platform from scratch and keeping costs low, our dedicated team of medical educators has cut application expenses by > 95%.

Recognizing the archaic and cumbersome user experience of existing platforms, we rolled out an interface that was not just modern, but also intuitive for both applicants and programs. By honing in on the essentials and trimming the excess, we successfully condensed applications to a crisp 4-5 pages. Combined with signaling, this reduced review time by as much as 80%.

At the heart of CentralApp, our ethos remains unwavering: leveling the playing field in residency selection. We're ardently committed to eliminating financial roadblocks and championing a holistic review approach, ensuring every deserving candidate gets their rightful shot at success.
More from CentralApp

A residency application service focused on improving equity by removing financial barriers and emphasizing holistic review.

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